Hi Guys,
In the existing solution, following command is written for Unix/Linux.
set cmd ="cd "_fileDirectory_" && find . -type f | xargs zip .."_ext_xlsxFile
But I found that our cache is installed on Windows machine.
Can anyone help to convert this command to work in window executable form ?
Yes, I have tried $ZF(-1 with other commands like mkdir and dir. It is working as expected and actions are done. So I think, we don't have issue with $ZF(-1).
But This might be a catch, I am not sure whether Xargs and Zip are installed or not. Currently we are using Unix/Aix machine, Could you please let me know how to install Xargs and Zip?
I found that we are on Window and that is the reason above given command is not working for me. can you help, how can we convert this into windows executable command?