go to post Keren Skubach · Oct 18, 2023 Hi Colin, I would suggest activating the ISCSOAP log - it will show you all the raw SOAP data getting in and out of Ensemble. see here: https://docs.intersystems.com/irisforhealth20223/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.... Keren.
go to post Keren Skubach · Nov 9, 2017 Can you show the top visual view of the DTL? It seems that there should be different hierarchy.i.e. source.Message.Record(k1).OrganizationCode
go to post Keren Skubach · Sep 8, 2016 In addition, here is a sample for updating an attribute in LDAP - First you need to search for the correct entry in LDAP so you would be update it.Method UpdateSingleValue(pRequest As LDAP.REQ.SetSingleValueAttributes, Output pResponse As LDAP.RES.SetSingleValueAttributes) As %Status{ #dim tEntries as %Net.LDAP.Client.Entries #dim ent as %Net.LDAP.Client.Entry Set pResponse=##class(LDAP.RES.SetSingleValueAttributes).%New() try { // sample input data //set pRequest.UserName="kerensk" //set x=##class(LDAP.REQ.AttributeInfo).%New() //set x.AttributeName="employeeID" //set x.AttributeValue="12345" //set y=##class(LDAP.REQ.AttributeInfo).%New() //set y.AttributeName="countryCode" //set y.AttributeValue="33" //do pRequest.AttributeNames.Insert(x) //do pRequest.AttributeNames.Insert(y) // prepare search parameters set Filter="SAMAccountName="_pRequest.UserName if pRequest.AttributeNames.Count()=0 { set pResponse.Success=0 set pResponse.ErrorMessage="Empty attributes list" quit } if pRequest.UserName="" { set pResponse.Success=0 set pResponse.ErrorMessage="Empty username parameter" quit } // search Set tSC=..Adapter.Search(.tEntries,2,Filter,"") if $$$ISERR(tSC) { set pResponse.Success=0 set pResponse.ErrorMessage=$system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC) quit } if '$IsObject(tEntries) { set pResponse.Success=0 set pResponse.ErrorMessage="User does not exist" quit } set ent=tEntries.GetNext("") if ($IsObject(ent)) { Set editParam = ##class(%Net.LDAP.Client.EditEntry).%New() Set editParam = tEntries.EditCurEntry() for i=1:1:pRequest.AttributeNames.Count() { do editParam.Replace(pRequest.AttributeNames.GetAt(i).AttributeName,pRequest.AttributeNames.GetAt(i).AttributeValue,0) } set tSC = editParam.Commit() $$$TRACE("Commit="_$system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC)) if $$$ISERR(tSC) { set pResponse.Success=0 set pResponse.ErrorMessage=$system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC) quit } } } catch Err { set tSC=Err.AsStatus() set pResponse.Success=0 set pResponse.ErrorMessage=$system.Status.GetErrorText(tSC) } Quit $$$OK}
go to post Keren Skubach · Sep 8, 2016 Hi Gadi,The connection to the DB is done automatically by the adapter after you configure the BO settings. For example:LDAP ServerSoraski.co.ilLDAP Port389Distinguished NameOU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=soraski,DC=co,DC=ilHere is a sample code for a method in a Business Operation that searches the LDAP DB:The input accepts a filter (by which you want to search LDAP) and attributes (which attributes do you want returned. if no attributes are specified, all of the attributes are returned)Method Search(pRequest As LDAP.REQ.Search, Output pResponse As LDAP.RES.Search) As %Status{ Set pResponse=##class(LDAP.RES.Search).%New() // sample data //set pRequest.Filter="cn=kerensk" //set pRequest.Attributes="sn,givenName" Set tSC=..Adapter.Search(.tEntries,2,pRequest.Filter,pRequest.Attributes,0) if $$$ISERR(tSC) quit tSC if '$IsObject(tEntries) quit tSC Set count=0 do { Set count=count+1 Set ent=tEntries.GetCurEntry() Set tRespEnt=##class(LDAP.RES.SearchEntry).%New() Set tRespEnt.DN=ent.DN Set attr="" ,str="" do { Set attr=ent.Next(attr) set str=str_","_attr Set valuelist=ent.GetAttribValue() Set valstr="" // go through the returned entries if valuelist'="" { For i=1:1:valuelist.GetNumItems() { Set valstr=valstr_",'"_valuelist.GetValue(i)_"'" } Set valstr=$Extract(valstr,2,$Length(valstr)) Do tRespEnt.Attributes.SetAt(valstr,attr) } else { set pResponse.Error="not found" } } while attr'="" Do pResponse.Entries.SetAt(tRespEnt,count) } while tEntries.NextEntry() $$$TRACE("Count of Entries: "_count) $$$TRACE(str) Quit tSC} Keren.