go to post Yuval Golan · Jan 17, 2018 I meant from the cache client "cube" I can't get to the System Management Portal of the cache server (the cache server isn't running the IIS server and the IIS is accessible only through https).Another clarification: at the moment if I want to get to the SMP (System Management Portal) of this server than I chose the SMP in the cube (right click on the cache cube -> Remote Server Access -> Management Portal -> clicking on the server name I want to connect to) and after the internet browser is opened with the wrong url (http) I change it to https and its working.
go to post Yuval Golan · Jan 15, 2018 - 'Should we be using percent globals or %SYS/CACHESYS globals to store the global we want accessible between namespaces? 'I will stay with a no answer (look at @Amir Samary comment).- 'Can I explicitly address a global in another namespace/database?'Well -----> Yes you can.check this out:http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GGBL_structure#GGBL_str_extrefs
go to post Yuval Golan · Jun 26, 2017 Hi @Nikita SavchenkoThanks for a full install info.I'm using Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2013.1.1 (Build 501_1_13062) Sun Aug 11 2013 23:20:33 EDTStep 1 and 2 are going fine, i'm able to downlad ver 2 beta8, and i'm able to import and compile it on the %SYS namespace.At step 3 i'm getting the login page and after i authenticate i get the Cache WEB Terminal in the title but with an empty body.At step 3 i used IE 11, using the debugger it throw the next error from terminal.js:"{if("undefined"==typeof JSON)throw new Error("Browser does not support html5 local storage. Please, update your browser")}"So i tried step 3 on chrome and now it's better but i get the following error (It's displayed in the body):"WebSocket connection error (ws://servername/%25WebTerminal.Engine.cls). Trying to connect again in 10 seconds...WebSocket connection closed. Code 1006, reson: ." which came from terminal.jsAnd now finally step 3 is working - using chrome and using the port 57772 (instead of 80) i'm getting the prompt to %SYS namespace. Thank you very much.
go to post Yuval Golan · Sep 25, 2016 1. Notice what Eduard wrote: set st = obj.Image.LinkToFile(img) 2. Your class is:Class Quadramed.Chennai Extends %Persistentand in your imageFile method you have:s obj = ##class(Sam.binary).%New()maybe this is your problem?
go to post Yuval Golan · Sep 15, 2016 Method() is at the object level (the instance of the class) and ClassMethod() is at the class level .Lets say that we have a Car class then:Method PrintCar() { //print the car number}ClassMethod PrintAllCars() { //for each car call it's PrintCar()}