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Member since Jul 22, 2016
This because the RawContent field is a %String where MAXLEN is 10000. You will need to get the contents out as a stream. So it'll be like:
s msg=##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).%OpenId(EnsMsgBodyID)
d msg.OutputToLibraryStream(.msgstream)
s newmsg=##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).ImportFromLibraryStream(msgstream)
You cannot change the doc type of "msg" as its state is immutable. You'll need to create a clone then change doc type. To create the clone:
s outmsg=msg.%ConstructClone(1)
Also note that not all trigger events (MSH:9.2) share the same doctype either, so you'll need to derive it appropriately. e.g. ADT^A01, ADT^A04, ADT^A05 the doc type is ADT_A01.
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I had a similar requirement, so created a simple method to achieve this. May be someone else is also looking for something similar
ClassMethod CreateCSVArray( csvrec = "", Output csvarray) { s csvarray=0 i csvrec'=""{ s csvlen=$l(csvrec) i csvlen>1{ s token="" f i=1:1:csvlen{ s char=$we(csvrec,i) i char=""""{ s closequotepos=$find(csvrec,"""",i+1) s csvarray($i(csvarray))=$we(csvrec,i+1,closequotepos-2) s i=closequotepos s token="" }else{ i char'=","{ s token=token_char }else{ s csvarray($i(csvarray))=token s token="" } } } s:token'="" csvarray($i(csvarray))=token } } }
Which produced the output:
myarr(1)="ABC Company"
myarr(2)="123 Main St, Ste 102"
myarr(3)="Anytown, DC"