Question Craig Bishop · Sep 7, 2022 Access global variable on remote system Hello All, I have a class method on the DocRepo server that needs to query the data value of a global variable on the Edge server. I have looked at the documentation for 'Global Structure,' but I didn't find anything that helped. Global Structure | Using Globals | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2022.1 I am able to access this global easily from the Edge server using the $Get function, but I need to access it from the DocRepo server. #Globals #Caché 0 8 0 409
Question Craig Bishop · Jun 22, 2022 Populate relationship property on existing data Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me with an issue we are facing. We are trying to add a parent-child relationship between 2 tables in the database that already contain data. We are able to add the new relationship property to the required data classes, and set the desired cardinality. We have also included code that will add the relationship using the Insert() method to new data that comes in. The problem we have is how do we add the relationship to data that already exists in the database? #InterSystems IRIS for Health 0 3 0 278