Hi Arturo,

This scenario sounds like during the subsequent runs of the routine you are accessing Global buffers (AKA: Global buffer pool) which is used to optimise the running of the routines for frequent use or data access.

Your subsequent runs will be complimented by any new data that is added between runs with the "latest and greatest" data. The same applies to any data that has been killed between runs.

You don't need to purge anything. You can trust that you will always be getting the data you expect.

Kind regards,

Hi Akshay,

Robert is correct.

$ZF(-1,{os command}) is used to call commands from the underlying operating system.

The shell that you execute won't know where to find the python executable.

We can see this by trying to print the Windows PATH environment variable (below) as you would normally be able to do in a Windows CMD shell:

As we can see above the CMD shell can see the environment variable %PATH% but if we do the same echo %PATH% in terminal we see nothing.  
