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Member since May 26, 2021
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Thank you very mych for your very detail explanation of the Business Operation settings and how they work.

I would like to aks if you could help me with a question regarding these settings.

I have in my Busioness Operation settings the following values:

* Response timeout: 30 seconds

* Retry interval: 5 seconds

*Failure Timeout: 15

When I get a timeout error I also get a FailureTimeout error.

I have configured the BusinessOperation to send me emails when an error occurs. This implies that I received two emails of alerts but in reality only one error has been received.
Is there a way to avoid FailureTimeout error? I am not retrying because FailureTimeout setting value is 15 and ResponseTimeout setting value is 30, so I think I should not get that error

I hope you could help me.

Thank you very much.

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