Question Javier Lorenzo Mesa · Jul 24, 2024 "Bad request error" making API request. Hi, I'm making a request to an API that works perfectly with Postman, you can see it here: The URL is where the last part is the ID's session I want to get back. When I try to make the same request in IRIS I always get a "Bad request" error.I'm creating the request which all the information needed (or at least that I know): #InterSystems IRIS for Health 1 2 0 101
Question Javier Lorenzo Mesa · Jun 30, 2016 How to perform an SQL 'SELECT' with parameters. Hi,I'm trying to perform a SELECT with parameters using the EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter. The SELECT returns results but seems to discard the parameters I try to send. I have tried two methods.First:Set par(1) = "20160630"Set par(1,"SqlType") = 12Set sql = "SELECT Cod, Ing, score FROM [bbdd].[dbo].[vw_Test] WHERE MyParam >= '?'"Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteQueryParmArray(.QueryResultSet,sql,.par)Second: #SQL #Ensemble 0 4 0 1.3K