Stefan, I changed my code and it worked, I used the HTML5 sessionStorage, but the value of my Stash variables in the template page deleted when I do refresh.

How do I keep the value in my stash variables?




var customUser sessionStorage.getItem('customUser');



zenPage._ObjUsuario response.ObjUsuario;

var ObjUsuario zenPage._ObjUsuario



Thanks for helping me.

I checked the version to Zen Mojo and is in 1.1.1.
w ## Class (% ZEN.Dojo.Utils) .GetZenMojo Version ()

I put the return false, but it did not work.
below the onselect method:

ClientMethod onselect(key, value, docViewId) [ Language = javascript ]
    console.log('select '+key);    
     var view = zen(docViewId);
     var realKey = key.split(':')[0];
     switch(realKey) {

    case 'nome':
    var nome = view.getItemByKey(key).$getValue();

   return false;


I'm trying to select a value from the drop down and display the selected value when the dropdown close, as if the same behavior of a select / option in html. I tried to use the select / option HTML5 plugin but does not work in chrome only in firefox the onselect event.

{type:'$dropdown',value:'=[listaOpcao]',right:true,id:'dropdown', key:'listOpcao',children:[
                 {type:'$dropdownMenuItem',content:'=[uninome]', key:'nome', id:'nome',value:'=[uninome]'}