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Member since Jan 28, 2021

Hi Guillaume,

thank you for the post and the straightforward recommendations. I have been using embedded Python for a while and have found that the hybrid between ObjectScript and python code is not always easy to maintain and refactor.

That's why I have now consistently outsourced the python code to .py files and imported my modules via


after reading your post. So far I'm very happy with how things are going, except I've had problems when applying the pythonic naming conventions for method names.

def validate_header():

caused errors when I tried to call it this way:


I had to rename the method to

def validateHeader():

which isn't particularly bad, but I thought I'd mention it here in case anyone is stuck in a similar situation

And here is the code if you are using a Installer manifest 😉 Helps us while working with containers.

  <Namespace Name="${NamespaceSub}" Code="${NamespaceSub}_CODE" Data="${NamespaceSub}_DATA" Create="yes" Ensemble="1">
    <Invoke Class="HBT.Util.WebApp" Method="DisableNewRuleEditor" CheckStatus="1"></Invoke>
Class HBT.Util.WebApp

ClassMethod DisableNewRuleEditor() As %Status
        #Dim tSC As %Status
        #Dim tSE As %Exception.StatusException
        Try {
            Zn "%SYS"
            &SQL(UPDATE Security.Applications SET Enabled = 0 WHERE ID = '/ui/interop/rule-editor') 
            Set tSC = $$$OK
        } Catch tSE {
            Set tSC = tSE.AsStatus()
        Quit tSC

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