You can export and import the Business Partners from terminal.

To export you can use the command where FileName is a file where you want the data to be exported to. I usually save it to a .xml file.

do ##class(Ens.Config.BusinessPartner).%ExportAll(FileName)

Then you can move that file to the other server and import it using the import command. The parameters are: 

  1. File to import
  2. Replace anything with the same name.
  3. Verbose logging
  4. Delete all entries before importing.
do ##class(Ens.Conifg.BusinessPartner).%Import(FileName,1,0,1)

I'm not sure about doing it through the task menu.  I would create a custom class that extends %SYS.Task.Definition and then overwrite the OnTask method with whatever custom code you want to run. For example, if you wanted to export your Business Partners to a daily file for some reason.  You could use the method below to always pull the current date.  Once you have the new class built it will be selectable in the Task Type drop down.

Method OnTask() As %Status
        set tCurDate = $ZDATE($H,8)
        do ##class(Ens.Config.BusinessParnter).%ExportAll("C:\TEST\"_tCurDate_"BusinessParnters.xml")
        Quit $$$OK