This may help. I got in /csp/docbook.

Note the use of colspan in the <td> and <th> definitions. <td> and <th> support colspan and rowspan
attributes. Each attribute accepts a number as a value and causes the content of its parent <td> or <th> to span that number of columns or rows in the header or footer. Each produces output similar to the HTML attributes of the same name, but do so equally well for XHTML or PDF output formats.


I don't know how to change the font colour directly (of that data), but...

You can use OnDrawCell and inside the method get the data and set the style.

 Method MyMethod(pTable As %ZEN.Component.tablePane, pName As %String, pSeed As %String) As %Status
    If (pName="colName") {
        Set cellData = %query("colName"),
            myColor = "red"
            <div style="color:#(myColor)#">
            <!-- You can write something, for example: if cellData is a number (of minutes) you could do what's below. -->
                #(cellData)# minutes
    Return $$$OK

If you do this, that column will not order anymore