Job Raju K · Nov 17, 2020 Immediate Hiring for IRIS Developer/ Intersystems (Please send me resume to ) We have an immediate requirement for an experienced Intersystems Ensemble/Health Connect consultant to join our team with a good grounding in OO Programming, Healthcare Integration and at least 2 years experience with InterSystems Ensemble/Healthshare Health Connect #Job Opportunity 0 0 0 307
Job Raju K · Nov 9, 2020 Intersystems / IRIS Developer (Please send me resume to ) We have an immediate requirement for an experienced Intersystems Ensemble/Health Connect consultant to join our team with a good grounding in OO Programming, Healthcare Integration and at least 2 years experience with InterSystems Ensemble/Healthshare Health Connect #Job Opportunity 0 0 0 313
Job Raju K · Nov 3, 2020 Intersystems Developer / IRIS Developer (Please send me your resume to ) Position: Intersystems Developer / IRIS Developer (Please send me your resume to ) #Caché #Ensemble #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Job Opportunity 1 2 0 403