We have a set of some fairly standard HL7 interfaces that usually end up doing about 90% of the same thing as every other interface. I'd really like to be able to write a script that I can modify some text, and have it create Services, Processes, Operations, DTL and Business Rules.

So, let me provide a more concrete example: I feel capable of a writing to and replacing variables within a text file, different process. This is obviously going to be pseudo-code, but my thinking is this

Create "Memorial Hospital Process"

Create "Memorial Hospital

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I want to write the values that are stored in an array into the OBX 5 field. The text in MyArray(1) will go in the the first OBX 5 field. Then the text in MyArray(2) will populate the next OBX 5 field.

My question is how do you format the Set > Action Tab > Value entry so that it pulls the data from MyArray(source.{PIDgrpgrp().ORCgrp().OBXgrp().OBX:SetIDOBX})

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Hi, I'm still very much new at Ensemble DTL. I am trying to set up an algorithm that requires loading fields from an OBX into an Array. I don't think that I know how to iterate through the OBXs. I know that there is a "for loop", that I will try to play with, but in the mean time, could someone tell me what is wrong with the following?

For example the code below works when I hard code the number 1 in OBXgrp(1)

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While I am not new to HL7, I am very new to Ensemble.

We have a request to change the order in which the Addenda segments are sent to the client. Right now, the global setting of the Lab system is to send the newest addenda at the top of the report, then the next oldest, and so on until we get to the final report:

OBX|1|||*****Addendum 3****
OBX|2|||text 3
OBX|3|||*****Addendum 2****
OBX|4|||text 2
OBX|5|||*****Addendum 1****
OBX|6|||text 1
OBX|8|||final text

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