go to post Keith Davis · Jun 2, 2019 Well, I thought the Objectscript classes were more akin to views than tables since the data is stored as a global, not as a table.
go to post Keith Davis · Jun 1, 2019 so having 3 'tables' on the same global is just having 3 views of the same house.This confuses me. In MySQL, a "view" is just a saved SQL query - dropping a view does not drop data. I never imagined dropping the class (which I thought was just a view) would empty the global. The global was still there, but all the data was gone.
go to post Keith Davis · Jun 1, 2019 Because I have 3 copies of the same class / table, 2 were for testing and I am done with them.
go to post Keith Davis · Jun 1, 2019 Yes, and I used that once, which I believe is how I dropped the actual data in the global. :(
go to post Keith Davis · Jun 1, 2019 Now, I am really confused. I only want to "drop" the SQL table created by the class, not the actual global (data). For example, in my testing, I created 3 tables for the same data (table, table2, table3), all pull data from the global (^PTG). I want to drop table 2 and table3. I did one by DDL and one by deleting the class. However, I seem to have lost data (global), but the timing was not when I did this, so I'm not sure when the data loss occurred.
go to post Keith Davis · May 31, 2019 I've looked at those articles, but given the old version of cache we are using (2013) and the horribly inconsistent ways these classes are written, plus my inexperience in this very "different" system than what I am used to, I have a hard time getting much out of them. I'll take another look.
go to post Keith Davis · May 31, 2019 I figured it out. Just delete the class from the server. Though, seems like there should be a better way.
go to post Keith Davis · May 31, 2019 Right after I posted this, I started working on the theory of what you are describing and got one to work...sort of. I can see the index now, but I don't really understand how the storage for these is supposed to work (I barely understand SQL storage at all). Also, it seems like the inverse is not true. I have some that have the storage map created, but no matching Objectscript property and the index builds just fine...well, except the index does not match the storage map description.Example:
go to post Keith Davis · May 31, 2019 I guess it would help to completely read your response. Also, I was very wrong, almost all of these generate this error:Adsc.MedicsPremier.Demographics ERROR #5758: Method not implemented: Adsc.MedicsPremier.Demographics::%BuildIndices/%PurgeIndicesBut you need to generate their content separately by ClassMethod %BuildIndices in each class.What does that mean? I'm a PHP / C# developer and some of the Objectscript / Cache processes still eludes me.
go to post Keith Davis · May 31, 2019 Ok, I take that back. Some of these generate no errors and no indices are built, but some of them generate this error:Adsc.MedicsPremier.Demographics ERROR #5758: Method not implemented: Adsc.MedicsPremier.Demographics::%BuildIndices/%PurgeIndicesWhat does that mean?
go to post Keith Davis · May 31, 2019 Thanks. I've tried that and it does not work (no errors, no indices built).
go to post Keith Davis · May 15, 2019 I hate to be a bother, and I agree, sounds like 2 classes would be more appropriate, but I've yet to create a View in this system (I'm fluent in MySQL, FYI), and frankly, I don't like views (been burned on performance issues too many times). However, any way you could show me the basics of both (2 classes with a view and 1 class), just so I understand better how this works. I know that's a lot to ask, but I've read a lot of docs, and some aspects I still do not understand.If not, no big deal. I probably won't use the view because we are mirroring these "tables" into MySQL anyway and prefer to keep that part simple - 1 ODBC class = 1 MySQL table.Also, and don't hit me, but we are on a very old version of Cache (and no way to fix that, blame our vendor).Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2013.1 (Build 446) Tue Apr 23 2013 12:10:38 EDT
go to post Keith Davis · May 14, 2019 Well, that was actually what I was planning on doing if there was no other way, but I was hoping I was wrong.I can't modify the Globals structure - we are using a 3rd Party application and the only thing we can do is add and modify the classes used for ODBC.Thanks for the quick response.
go to post Keith Davis · May 14, 2019 Thanks, and that is helpful, but I already read those articles and either they did not answer my question or I don't understand the problem well enough.