After working with Joao Navarro in the WRC, here's what I discovered.

My initial query was based on the results of the "Show Query" button in the Management Portal Message Viewer. While that provided a good start, the SELECT clause that Navarro suggested returned what I was looking for.

A couple of notes:

  1. Dates are stored in UTC, so use "GETUTCDATE" when trying to limit the search parameters by time.
  2. RawContent contains carriage returns between the segments. You may need to remove $CHAR(13) with the appropriate function.

SELECT EnsLib_HL7.Message.RawContent AS Full_Message INTO :FullMessage
FROM Ens.MessageHeader head, EnsLib_HL7.SearchTable, EnsLib_HL7.Message
WHERE head.TimeCreated >= DATEADD(hour, -24, GETUTCDATE())
AND ((head.SourceConfigName = 'SITE ORM-ORU Inbound')
AND (head.TargetConfigName = 'SITE ORM 1 PreProcessor')
AND head.MessageBodyClassName=(('EnsLib.HL7.Message'))
AND head.MessageBodyId = EnsLib_HL7.SearchTable.DocId
AND EnsLib_HL7.SearchTable.PropId = 6
AND EnsLib_HL7.SearchTable.PropValue = :placerOrderNum
AND head.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message'
AND head.MessageBodyId=EnsLib_HL7.Message.%ID)
ORDER BY head.ID Desc

After conferring with the WRC, it seems there really wasn't a "problem" at all, but rather that while they share the same syntax for INSERT commands,  there is a syntax difference in how HealthShare and Microsoft each handle an UPDATE command.

The following code works in HealthShare/ObjectScript:

Set tSQL = "UPDATE table_name (col1, col2, col3) VALUES ('val1', 'val2', 'val3') WHERE accession_number='"_accessionNumber_"'"
Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteUpdateParmArray(.nrows,tSQL,.par)

And this is how Microsoft wants it:

Set tSQL = "UPDATE IRIS_Study SET col1='val1', col2='val2', col3='val3' WHERE accession_number='"_accessionNumber_"'"
Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteUpdateParmArray(.nrows,tSQL,.par)

And it can still be parameterized by using:

SET col1=?, col2=?, col3=?

Odd(ish) the limitation is on the UPDATE but not on the INSERT. I will follow up with the WRC and see if I can get a definitive answer.

I am using the parameters to avoid code insertion (not that I'm terribly worried about it, but it's just good practice). If I cannot do that, then I'll have to do some kind of variable cleaning on the string, or perhaps define each as a %STRING literal or something. Whatever the best practice is for ObjectScript.

If I use a standard value assignment (SET mrn = '123456', lastName = 'Smith', etc.), it works just fine pulling the values from the HL7 message and writing them to the appropriate columns. I'm going through the code and adding corresponding lines for each variable I wish to store:

Set valueAssignment = valueAssignment_", site_code = '"_siteCode_"'"
Set tSQL = "UPDATE table_name"_valueAssignment_" WHERE accession_number='"_accessionNumber_"'"

I'm hoping that there may not be an issue with the parameter binding at all and it's just some odd value in one of the fields, although everything looks fine. Once I get through added that line for all of the variables in a day or two, I'll know for sure. So far, it's nothing in MSH, PID, or PV1.

I'll reply back once I know.

As expected, tSQL looks like:

UPDATE table_name (updated,order_system_name,site_code,patient_id,patient_alternate_id,patient_last_name,patient_first_name,patient_middle_name,patient_dob,patient_sex,patient_address_1,patient_address_2,patient_city,patient_state,patient_zip,patient_account_number,patient_ssn,visit_class,visit_unit,visit_facility,attending_doctor_id,attending_doctor_last_name,attending_doctor_first_name,referring_doctor_id,referring_doctor_last_name,referring_doctor_first_name,consulting_doctor_id,consulting_doctor_last_name,consulting_doctor_first_name,admitting_doctor_id,admitting_doctor_last_name,admitting_doctor_first_name,visit_number,admit_datetime,discharge_datetime,accession_number,status_code,order_completed_datetime,placer_order_number,filler_order_number,procedure_code,procedure_description,ordering_doctor_id,ordering_doctor_last_name,ordering_doctor_first_name,procedure_modality,order_priority,reason_for_exam) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) WHERE accession_number='123456789'

does the "IMPRESSION TO FAX" rule work if its the only rule?

That's a good reminder of how to simplify the test. It did not work when it's the only rule.

it would be good to have a look at the business rule log

I did look at it, or rather thought I was. I looked again this morning and there were errors. I must have accidentally opened the event log on the wrong process yesterday. Thank you for the sanity-check!

Thanks for responding!

Yes, I agree that it sounds like I'm just not looking in the correct place, but unfortunately, I'm already searching at the highest part of the tree just as you indicated (DC=company, DC=local). The based DN is not being appended to the full DN I gave as the username.

Because the search user authenticates, I don't believe it's a connection issue. I've searched using the full DN (CN, OU, DC), using uid=, using sAMAccountName=, and using just the actual username. I'm relatively new to Linux, so I was hoping it was some simple methodology that had to be used when connecting to a Windows AD server.