go to post Mathieu Van Sevenant · Feb 17, 2020 Thanks again to you all, We have actually built the stream ourselves, helped with some tricks got from the internet, and it seems to work within our test environment. Here is the pseudo-code for memo: Method OnRequest(request As %Library.Persistent, Output response As %Library.Persistent) As %Status{ set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New() set httpRequest.Server = "(...)" set httpRequest.Port = (...) Set filename="(...)" Set file=##class(%File).%New(filename) Do file.Open("RU") Set sc=fileStream.CopyFrom(file) Do file.Close() do fileStream.Rewind() set myStream = ##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New() set startJsString = "{""document"":{""id"":""@GUID@"",""language"":""fr"",""patient_id"":""@NDOS@"",""doc_type"":""@DOCUMENTTYPE@""," //...and so on set startJsStringData = $REPLACE(startJsString, "@GUID@", request.id, 1, -1, 1) set startJsStringData = $REPLACE(startJsStringData, "@NDOS@", request.patNdos , 1, -1, 1) //...and so on do myStream.Write(startJsStringData) s startJsContentString = """sections"":[{""section_id"":""main"",""content"":""" s endJsString = """}]}}" do myStream.Write(startJsContentString) set sc = ..Base64Encode(fileStream, myStream,,1) do myStream.Write(endJsString) do myStream.Rewind() set len = 32000 While (len > -1) { set sRead = myStream.Read(.len) do httpRequest.EntityBody.Write(sRead) } set sc=httpRequest.Post("/index/push", 0) } ClassMethod Base64Encode(tIn As %Stream.FileCharacter, tOut As %Stream.TmpCharacter, chunk As %Integer = 32000, Flags As %Integer = 1) As %Status{ set sc = $$$OK if $g(tIn)="" quit $$$ERROR(5001, "Input stream required") if '$IsObject(tIn) quit $$$ERROR(5001,"Input is not a stream object") if 'tIn.%IsA("%Stream.Object") quit $$$ERROR(5001,"Input object is not a stream") if 'tOut.%IsA("%Stream.Object") quit $$$ERROR(5001,"Output object is not a stream") set chunk=chunk-(chunk#3) do tIn.Rewind() While 'tIn.AtEnd { set sc= tOut.Write($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(tIn.Read(chunk),Flags)) if 'sc Quit } Quit sc} Best regards