go to post Manuel Jürgen · Jun 14, 2016 Hi, You need the CellWidget-module of gridx: {moduleClass:"gridx/modules/CellWidget"}, After that you need to define the Button in the column-JSON: {field:'colButtons', width:'80px', widgetsInCell: true, decorator: function(){return "<button data-dojo-type='dijit.form.Button' data-dojo-attach-point='btnDetails'></button>";}, setCellValue: function(gridData, storeData, cellWidget) { cellWidget.btnDetails.set('title', 'Details'); cellWidget.btnDetails.set('iconClass', 'detailsIcon'); cellWidget.btnDetails.set('showLabel', false); if(cellWidget.btnDetails._cnnt){cellWidget.btnDetails._cnnt.remove();} //remove all other callbacks cellWidget.btnDetails._cnnt = dojo.connect(cellWidget.btnDetails, 'onClick', function(e){alert(gridData);}); //create new onClick-Event }, }, Certifications & Credly badges:Manuel has no Certifications & Credly badges yet.Global Masters badges:Manuel has no Global Masters badges yet.Followers:Manuel has no followers yet.Following:Manuel has not followed anybody yet.
You need the CellWidget-module of gridx:
After that you need to define the Button in the column-JSON: