Question Ravi Nagpal · Dec 1, 2021 Inclination of Value Labels in Bar chart Hi, Is there any way by which we can incline the Value Labels in Bar chart like on top of bar or outside of bar in InterSystems Dashboard like Other reporting tool. Please find the below snip for reference , Thanks, Ravi #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) 0 1 0 296
Question Ravi Nagpal · Feb 22, 2019 HealthShare Provider Directory edit Master Viewer/ Source UI with a new Element of String type Hi, I want to edit the the Master viewer /source UI of HealthShare Provider Directory with a property/ element of String type. There are predefined CodeTables structure by which i can't add the Attributes of the above element because somehow above element attributes are different than the code Table structures . Can we add a new Customize Code Table other than predefiend Code tables in the HealthShare Provider Directory ? Is there any way or any tutorial by which we can edit the Master Viewer ? #HealthShare 0 1 0 342
Question Ravi Nagpal · Oct 10, 2018 Can we create a new class using any command rather then using the Menu Item Option in Studio Hi, Can we create a new class in the studio using any command rather then using the Menu Item Option from Menu Bar in Studio . Requirement : Create/Draft a new class and able to extends the other classes using a command in Cache Class . In other words , I want to Dig in the Menu Item class from which Menu bar is created in studio and option are provided Like New..., Open..., etc Thanks, Ravi #Object Data Model #Caché 2 1 0 257