go to post Aaron Bentley · Aug 5, 2020 Looks like the certificate expired. This is in the above text - "Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid." Or someone enabled check client certificate and didn't realize the implications.
go to post Aaron Bentley · Oct 25, 2018 Stumbled upon a different InterSystems github project that in my testing and with a little configuration works as I expected (https://github.com/stefanc82/Cache-DynamicObject-Adapter). Any thoughts on which project might be the preferred path for future?I didn't come across this project when I searched github for projects that mention %DynamicObject/%DynamicArray. I'll look into this project as well.
go to post Aaron Bentley · Oct 24, 2018 Since it needs to be completely converted to JSON, my thinking is that each object needs to extend %Library.DynamicAbstractObject. I'm not sure if it is my structure or how I'm trying to access elements. I have a mix of single properties and collections of objects, so this is a great example to have on the community forum for a real world use case. The documentation has examples, but none that I saw that matched the complexity of what I've defined.Can you put together some code to create the Test.Request object and set/get some of the properties, so we can see how it is supposed to be done?Class Test.Request Extends %Library.DynamicAbstractObject{Property tag As %String;Property body As Test.Body;}Class Test.Body Extends %Library.DynamicAbstractObject{Property requestType As List Of %String;Property patient As Test.Patient;}Class Test.Patient Extends %Library.DynamicAbstractObject{Property sites As List Of Test.Site;Property names As List Of Test.Name;Property addresses As List Of Test.Address;Property emails As %String;}Class Test.Address Extends %Library.DynamicAbstractObject{Property street As %String;Property unit As %String;Property city As %String;Property state As %String;Property zipCode As %String;}Class Test.Name Extends %Library.DynamicAbstractObject{Property first As %String;Property middle As %String;Property last As %String;Property suffix As %String;}Class Test.Site Extends %Library.DynamicAbstractObject{Property code As %String;Property mrn As %String; }
go to post Aaron Bentley · Oct 9, 2018 Great article. I'm curious what the process is to remove production settings? We have created some, but then pivoted and we see error messages in our traces about remarking about ErrProductionSettingInvalid since the setting was removed. Restarting a production has not resolved these false error messages.