go to post Daniel Kastner · Oct 16, 2024 Hi @Fabio Care I have the same problem with Python 3.13.0. I reported it as WRC# 992589.WRC response: "Python 3.13 does not work with IRIS 2024.2 and 2024.3. InterSystems plans to make it work in IRIS 2025.1." You can try Python 3.12.7. It should work.
go to post Daniel Kastner · Feb 21, 2024 Hello Timothy. Thanks for your article. Your better (variadic arguments) solution can be improved. It has the following disadvantages: You have to repeat many times set args($increment(args)) = You have to add a space at the end of every part (except of the last one). For example: "and Product = ? " As an inspiration you can look at this class. We use it in our product. Class L3.SQL.QueryBuilder Extends %RegisteredObject { Property STATEMENT [ MultiDimensional, Private ]; Property PARAMS [ MultiDimensional, Private ]; Method Add(line As %String, params... As %String) { If $Get(line)="" Set $Ecode="Parameter 'line' is empty." Set i=$Increment(..STATEMENT) Set ..STATEMENT(i)=line If '$Data(params) Return For j=1:1:params { Set k=$Increment(..PARAMS) Set ..PARAMS(k)=params(j) } } Method Execute(Output statementResult As %SQL.StatementResult) As %Status { #dim statement As %SQL.Statement #dim sc As %Status Kill statementResult If +$Get(..STATEMENT)=0 Set $Ecode="Empty statement." ; Set SelectMode to 0. Set statement=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New(0) Merge STATEMENT=..STATEMENT Set sc=statement.%Prepare(.STATEMENT) If $$$ISERR(sc) Return sc Merge PARAMS=..PARAMS Set statementResult=statement.%Execute(PARAMS...) If (statementResult.%SQLCODE'=0) && (statementResult.%SQLCODE'=100) { Return $System.Error.FromSQLCode(statementResult.%SQLCODE,statementResult.%Message).Status } Return $$$OK } } Now I am able to rewrite you example code like this: set qb=##class(L3.SQL.QueryBuilder).%New() do qb.Add("select Product->Name, Outlet->City, AmountOfSale, UnitsSold") do qb.Add("from HoleFoods.SalesTransaction where Actual = 1") if (product '= "") { do qb.Add("and Product = ?", product) } if (channel '= "") { do qb.Add("and Channel %INLIST ?", channel) } if (minProductPrice '= "") { do qb.Add("and Product->Price >= ?", minProductPrice) } if (soldOnOrAfter '= "") { do qb.Add("and DateOfSale >= ?", soldOnOrAfter) } set sc=qb.Execute(.rset) You can use many question marks in one line: do qb.Add("and DateOfSale between ? and ?", soldAfter, soldBefore) Best regards.