Question Jordi Gomez · Dec 10, 2018 When is mandatory to execute a "Purge queries"? Dear all,In our application made in Caché object script, when we deploy some classes modified we have the option of calling "Purge queries" feature of Caché.We only were doing this call when a %Persistent class definition (table) was modified, as we assume that no other changes affect the cached queries and we don't want to purge them by default, as the first run of a query becomes slow.We had a case where no table definition was changed but a purge queries was the solution. #Caché #SQL 0 3 0 266
Question Jordi Gomez · May 15, 2018 Remove Locks when finishing transaction Hi all,Do you know if there is a way to create a Lock that is related to an existing transaction, in the sense that if transaction is finished (commit or rollback) Lock is removed. I ask this because in the following example Lock is there until process is killed.Example :TSTARTLock +^MyLockTROLLBACKI know, that, Caché itself is locking internally a table register when doing an OpenId with exclusive flag during the transaction life. For example :TSTART #Caché 0 4 0 494