go to post Jon Payne · May 12, 2022 Hi Prashanth, I'm not aware of anyone integrating with 111. Happy to discuss the use case and the options if you would like to contact me about this? Jon
go to post Jon Payne · Oct 12, 2020 Anthony, There are some restrictions on what EMIS is able to receive at present, they are still in the process of rolling out further FHIR support. That said, I believe you should be able to send a PDF file via MESH/Kettering XML, you may just need to change the document type for it to be displayed correctly within EMIS. If you need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to me directly, I'm sure we can assist you with this. Regards Jon Payne
go to post Jon Payne · Apr 24, 2019 Hi Soundar, Several NHS trusts working with Health Connect have implemented some aspects of the Care Connect API. InterSystems is also engaged in a number of FHIR API initiatives with the NHS, for a variety of different profiles. May I ask which Trust you are working with?Jon