· Apr 9 1m read
ODBC / JDBC data truncation

Hi, I hope this post helps.

The bottom line: MAXLEN is relevant mostly for odbc/jdbc connections and you need to specify an appropriate value within your tables (classes), otherwise the data might be truncated when you query it, or even fail when you try to insert data.

Long story:

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I was struggling with a procedure that was meant to receive a string and use it as a filter, I've found that since I want the procedure to do some data transformation and return a dataset, I needed to use objectScript language.

I've created the procedure using the SQL GUI in the portal, and everything works fine when calling the procedure from the SQL GUI but not through a JDBC connection here is the call "call spPatientOS('2024-04-07T12:35:32Z')"

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I am currently adding a field to our Existing messaging from Epic, however there might be a possibility I need to back load data into the Ancillary system. While I have the previous messages that can be sent, they do not have this additional field that I am adding to the message.

I can do a lookup against Epic Clarity SQL Database; however, I don't want to throw a wrench into the workflow if the system cannot connect to the Epic Clarity SQL Database.

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