Presenter: Benjamin De Boe
Task: Extract specialized information from your unstructured data
Approach: Combine InterSystems iKnow technology with third-party and custom text-processing tools

This session explains how you can easily combine ISC, third-party and custom text processing tools to get the broadest insights in your unstructured data.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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This summer the Database Platforms department here at InterSystems tried out a new approach to our internship program. We hired 10 bright students from some of the top colleges in the US and gave them the autonomy to create their own projects which would show off some of the new features of the InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. The team consisting of Ruchi Asthana, Nathaniel Brennan, and Zhe “Lily” Wang used this opportunity to develop a smart review analysis engine, which they named Lumière. As they explain:

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Introduction - Analyzing Textual Big Data

Big Data for Enriching Analytical Capabilities - Big data is revolutionizing the world of business intelligence and analytics. Gartner predicts that big data will drive $232 billion in spending through 2016, Wikibon claims that by 2017 big data revenue will have grown to $47.8 billion, and McKinsey Global Institute indicates that big data has the potential to increase the value of the US health care industry by $300 billion and to increase the industry value of Europe's public sector administration by Ä250 billion.

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· Oct 21, 2015 1m read
Use Cases for Unstructured Data


Experts estimate that 85% of all data exists in unstructured formats – held in e-mails, documents (contracts, memos, clinical notes, legal briefs), social media feeds, etc. Where structured data typically accounts for quantitative facts, the more interesting and potentially more valuable expert opinions and conclusions are often hidden in these unstructured formats. And with massive volumes of text being generated at unprecedented speed, there’s very little chance this information can be made useful without some process of synthesis or automation.

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Hi, Community!

Check a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

iKnow What You'll Do Next Summer
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