· Dec 9, 2024

Does Iris for Health Generate Reset Packets? Under What Circumstances? What Settings Are needed in a BS to Not Send Reset packets?

Iris for Health is sending back ACKs back to the vendor for incoming X12 messages but, they are not making it there. Instead, the vendor is getting Reset packets and it seems they are coming out from Iris for Health. 


  1. Does Iris indeed generates Reset Packets? 
  2. What causes Reset Packets to be triggered?
  3. What settings does InterSystems recommend to not send Reset packets? 
  4. Are settings needed in the BS to prevent Reset Packets?

I already tried different settings unsuccessfully, and read much of the instructions provided by Intersystems but, we still can't resolve this issue. Part of a project at my organization is on-hold because of it. Please help. 

Thank you!

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
$ZV: Iris for Health 2023.1.3
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