· Jan 21, 2019

Upload Bundle Data to the FHIR Sandbox


I have created an App launch to my FHIR app in the sandbox and am able to access Patients that are provided in the Sandbox. Having done this, I would now like to upload a  test patient in a FHIR bundle to the sandbox, however I have not been able to find out how I can do this.

Can you provide some direction/tools that I can use to upload my bundle to the sandbox?



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Hi Rand,

We need to update the FHIR Sandbox Help Document with Patient Data Upload instructions.   Here is a draft of the instructions:

To facilitate FHIR Application testing, the FHIR Sandbox User can upload their own test patient data in the following formats: InterSystems SDA, C-CDA 1.1, C-CDA 2.1 and HL7 V2.  This data is then available to the user via their connected FHIR application, in the Browse Test Patients and Browse Test Data functions.   Below are step by step instructions, notes and images that tie to the instructions and notes

Steps to upload test patient data:

  1. Offline prepare a test patient file in one of the following formats: InterSystems SDA, C-CDA 1.1, C-CDA 2.1 and HL7 V2
    1. The example below uses a test patient C-CDA 1.1 generated using the Synthea (TM) generator
  2. From the FHIR Sandbox Main Page (Sandbox Applications) select the Patient Data Upload option from the side menu
  3. Select the format of your pre-pared test patient file: InterSystems SDA, C-CDA 1.1, C-CDA 2.1 and HL7 V2
    1. See Image #1
  4. Drag the file to the "Drop Your File Here" area
  5. The FHIR Sandbox will respond with either a file uploaded successfully message or an error message
    1. See Image #2
  6. If successful, your test patient is available to access in:
    1. Any of the Sandbox Applications (assuming the requisite data is available i.e. pediatric patients need multiple height and weight data points)
    2. Browse Test Patients (See Images #3 & #4)
    3. Browse Test Data (See Image #5)


  • Currently the FHIR Sandbox supports the following formats: InterSystems SDA, C-CDA 1.1, C-CDA 2.1 and HL7 V2.  It does not support uploading test patients using FHIR DSTU2 and FHIR STU3 at this time, but those are planned.
  • Only use test patient data only.  Please don't upload real patient data or any other inappropriate data as outlined in the FHIR Sandbox Terms of Service.
  • Test patients that users upload are only visible to them, and no other FHIR Sandbox users.  These patients are indicated by the label "(private)" on the Browse Test Patients search results page.
  • To find the Patient's Record ID, search using the Browse Test Patients function, and then look at the Test Patient Details page
  • InterSystems will periodically reset the FHIR Sandbox environment and remove any test patients users have uploaded.  Currently this period is set to 30 days, but it can be run at the user level or the environment level on demand (i.e. in the event a user uploaded incorrect data).


Image #1:

Image #2:

Image #3:

Image #4:

Image #5:

Thanks for the response Michael.

I was able to upload a Synthea (TM) generated patient. However I need to have a FHIR resource attribute (verificationStatus) set to "confirmed " , CDA does not support this, so when I retrieve the data from the server the fhir bundle sets this to "unknown".

I look forward to when FHIR bundles can be uploaded.

Thanks again for your response.
