· Jun 30, 2023

Supporting Licensed IPM (ZPM) products


Am just plain curious about how people may be approaching this area.

The Question

The %SYSTEM.License API wraps an IRIS key that is specific to a range of InterSystems products with

  •  Platform features
  •  Platform behaviors
  •  Expiry date
  •  Capacity / Usage limits

If a company is implementing deployed products that:

  • run on top of IRIS
  • optionally support other vendor IRIS products

For example:

  • a "plug-in" API
  • a knowledge-base

And they have an IPM deployed solution.

To avoid reinventing the wheel, am wondering for commercial vendors, is there a common way to achieve third-party application license checking with IRIS.

Is there / could there be a feature in IPM that:
 * Supports "deployed licensed features" for third-party applications
 * Loads / Registers a license from environment variable or install argument
 * Compatibility with containers

Thanks in advance for thoughts.

Discussion (2)3
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Thinking it is useful for an IPM repo to provide different "visibility" of "available" deployed modules, depending on the account used to access the IPM server.

This avoids having a separate repo per customer. So one common repo service, where account-permissions to access different modules (and versions) is configured.

Can this work for a subscription business model ie: Once installed the software runs forever. Maybe this is limited to some extent with byte-code being published per IRIS version. So a "subscription" is on the IPM repo by security configuration continuing to enable access to module updates.

In that case the listing / search of modules, might give hints on whether subscription is enabled.

Speculating then a "10 seat / process" license would translate to a specific module byte-code build? To upgrade the "license capacity" is installing a different module version? This has potential to cause service disruption, if only interested in a change in capacity behavior.

Maybe a product would be split into two parts, an IPM "license module" that changes, and an IPM "main software module" that remains unaffected.