· Jul 19, 2022

SQL ODBC Warnings On Null Values in a Stored Procedure

I am calling a stored procedure over an ODBC connection and every time I call it there are several warnings written to the log event {Found no Parameter 1 (used as 1) for query}.I seem to be getting this on every query executed and that seems to happen a number of times the query parameters are per query and its filling up my disc.

1) Is there a way to suppress these warnings as the query seems to be executed and data written to the database?

2) Is there a way to pass Null values to the procedure and not generate these warnings as I suspect there are caused by the Null values expected to populate the parameters specified?

Product version: Caché 2018.1
$ZV: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.4 (Build 505_1U)
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