· Aug 15, 2017 1m read

Secure Telnet support in CTerm.exe broken in 2017.1

DC readers running Caché etc on Windows, configuring the Telnet service to use SSL/TLS, and using the Caché Telnet client (CTerm.exe) to make the Telnet connections may like to know that there's a fault in 2017.1 and 2017.1.1 which prevents CTerm.exe from establishing the secure connection.

Workaround is to use a pre-2017.1 kit to install on your client machines (e.g. 2016.2.2), or to fetch the bin\cconnect.dll from an earlier version (I used 2016.2.2) and use it as a replacement for the 2017.1 / 2017.1.1 copy.

The issue is known to InterSystems  under ProdLog #146698 and is fixed by RFD1899, scheduled to appear in the next 2017.1 maintenance release (presumably 2017.1.2). It will also be in the upcoming 2017.2 .

For reference, the DC post here documents how to make CTerm.exe (and Studio, xDBC drivers, etc) use SSL/TLS.

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