· Nov 26, 2018

New InterSystems Developer Community Moderator – Sean Connelly!

Hi Community!

We're pleased to welcome @Sean Connelly as our new Moderator in Developer Community Team! 

Let's greet Sean with big applause and take a closer look at his bio!

Sean about his experience:

— I help healthcare organisations solve complex integration problems using products such as Ensemble, Healthshare and Mirth.

With 20 years of experience Sean has worked with over 20 NHS Trusts, Scottish Boards, NHS Digital, NHS Scotland and Primary Care system providers. This has included many large scale integration solutions such as replacing or implementing brand new Integration Engines, PAS replacements, OrderComms, and Electronic Document handling.

Some words from Sean:

— I'm also an InterSystems product specialist with deep knowledge of Cache, Ensemble, Healthshare and IRIS. I'm a moderator and active contributor on the InterSystems official community site where you can find many examples of my technical writing. I also actively write open source frameworks and tools for these products and regularly use them to accelerate development services. 
— I also specialize in web application development, I've written dozens of SPA applications over the years including large scale solutions for single record patient portals, document management, read code submissions, a dental claim system across Scotland and the modernization of a Trusts legacy green screen PAS system.

Some facts about Sean's business:

— I currently run my own successful consultancy business called MemCog Ltd which has been going for over 5 years. Some of my customers include the Manchester University Trust where I have helped implement large scale OrderComms solutions, merged Hospitals and Systems, as well as developing an electronic document solution that has delivered millions of electronic letters between the Trust and GP Practices every year. 

Welcome aboard and thanks for your great contribution, Sean!  yes

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