· Apr 2, 2018

Issue while moving a table from Cache to SQL server

Hi, Community!

I have a problem with a table while move it from Cache to SQL Server by SSIS tool, the table was moved but there is an issue in one of the feild, it's bring only the first 2 digit and truncate the other. The datatype for this feild in the Cache is VARCHAR  and the same thing in the SQL, I tried multiple datatype (char, number, intger, text..etc) and multiple tool to bring the table again (ESF, SQL Server 2014 Import and Export Data and FullConvert) and  the same issue appear. The version of the Cache system is : Cache for UNIX (Oracle Solaris for SPARC-64 U2/M) 2012.2.5 (Build 962_0_14231U)  

Kindly need your help.

thank you.


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