· Jun 1, 2022

InterSystems Open Exchange Applications May 2022 Digest

Hey Developers! Here is a digest of new solutions and applications submitted to the InterSystems Open Exchange in May 2022.

General Stats:
22 new apps in May
625 downloads in May
637 applications all time
18,839 downloads all time
1,646 developers joined

New Applications (22)
M-N-Contests by Robert Cemper
Analyze OEX Contest history
Benchmark time of response for messages in python and objectscript by Lucas Enard
Benchmark time of response for messages in python and objscript
fhir-client-python by Lucas Enard
A simple example of a Fhir client in python
FHIR Patient Viewer by Dan Berges
Interactive, reactive FHIR data viewer
iris-megazord by José Roberto Pereira
A lot of ideas together. Different projects, one goal.
iris-fhir-client by Muhammad Waseem
InterSystems FHIR Client Connect to any Open FHIR Server
iris-dicom-sample by Alberto Fuentes
Simple IRIS for Health DICOM integration sample using a simulator
CloudStudio by Sean Connelly
A web based IDE for IRIS
FIT REST Operation Framework by Craig Regester
An IRIS Interoperability REST Operation Framework
wifis-connect by Alberto Fuentes
WiFIS Connect is an application you can install in InterSystems Healthcare products to build your connection to WiFIS interoperability platform in SISCAT.
fhir-client-java by Lucas Enard
A simple example of a Fhir client in java
Water Conditions in Europe by Evgeniy Potapov
Water Conditions with Prediction, Dashboards and more
WebCommand by Robert Cemper
Simulate command line in IRIS and OS
iris-mail by Oliver Wilms
iris-mail serves as a substitute for mail server.
production-monitor by Oliver Wilms
Custom Production Monitor
ObjectScript-Syntax-For-GitLab by Lorenzo Scalese
ObjectScript highlight support for GitLab.
fhir-client-net by Lucas Enard
A simple example of a Fhir client in c#
test-data by Oliver Wilms
App to create test-data, as much as you need
webterminal-vscode by John Murray
Launch WebTerminal sessions from Server Manager in VS Code
Disease Predictor by YURI MARX PEREIRA GOMES
Predict Diseases using InterSystems IRIS IntegratedML
Docker InterSystems Extension by Dmitry Maslennikov
Docker Extension for InterSystems
FHIR Pseudonymization Proxy by Marcus Wurlitzer
FHIR pseudonymization proxy built with InterSystems IRIS for Health
New Releases (17)
Git for Shared Development Environments by Timothy Leavitt

Release Notes

Breaking Changes

  1. We don't need sc-list.txt anymore. We only use a global to maintain a list of tracked files that are in IRIS and Git.
  2. Package (.pkg) and project (.prj) files will no longer be in source control. Instead, all the individual files in the package will be in source control. This means that the user can easily remove a single file from source control. See Feature 2 for an explanation on how it all works.
  3. When we can't find a match for a file in the configured mappings, we no longer export the file.


  1. Uncommitted check on checkout:
    • On branch checkout, the WebUI requests information about uncommitted changes from api/uncommitted and confirms that the user knows another user has uncommitted changes and that they will carry them over on checkout.
    • This applies to checking out existing local and remote branches and creating new local branches.
  2. Single file delete: If a package was in source control, then it was not possible to remove a single file or group of files from source control.
    • For packages, both options — Add and Remove are displayed. We are no longer concerned with figuring out whether a package should be in source control - it never is!
      • No packages or sub-packages should be added to source control. When the user adds a package to source control, all its files not already in source control get added.
      • When the user removes a package from source control, all its files in source control will get removed.
      • We don't have to worry about any weird edge cases this way and behavior is more consistent overall.
  3. Navigation between Settings page and WebUI:
    • There are buttons added to both pages to enable easy navigation.


  1. Configurability for how the "%" symbol is changed on export of % classes.
  2. Removed sc-list.txt from the project.
  3. New files diff in Workspace: A diff for new files is now displayed in the WebUI Workspace.
  4. NoFolders mappings:
    • Added granularity: The NoFolders setting can now be applied to specific packages (instead of covering all files of a type).
    • The user can now add paths to NoFolders mappings. This way, all files that match the mapping will be stored with no further sub-folder creation at the specific path root.

Bug Fixes

  1. Changed the name of the % class replace field to be correct.
  2. Added newlines to outputs wherever necessary for better formatting.
  3. NameToInternalName() tries to get internal names for all file types that have mappings.
  4. NameToInternalName() no longer returns an empty string for a % class.
  5. Name() now matches mappings correctly.
  6. No more Bifrost: Got rid of the many lines that were created after the first commit because of a bug in the way we were getting substrings.
  7. Commit graph does not flash and fill up the whole Commit History pane anymore.
  8. Stash drop now properly drops the stash entry.
  9. Fixed an issue where the NoFolders toggle on a new mapping triggered the toggle on the first mapping instead of the clicked toggle.
  10. Centered the Settings page and added input validation to the form fields.
  11. Removed entries from ^SYS("SourceControl","Git","items") in ImportRoutines() if we find that the file has been deleted.
  12. RefreshUncommitted() now uses git status to prune out files that were committed through means other than the Commit changes option is the Server Source Control menu. It also adds records to track uncommitted files, if applicable. This should help with ensuring that multiple users never edit the same file at the same time because of a missing record of change. It will also help with cases where a user might be blocked from editing a file because of a stale record in the uncommitted queue.
  13. We don't try to source control ZPM documents.


  1. Updated the Help modal on the WebUI to include up-to-date screenshots and documentation for all new features.

interoperability-embedded-python by Guillaume Rongier

fix response on send_sync


handle empty msg and unexpected attr


Use dacite as serializer (dict to dataclass)


dont check WrongTypeError


Remove limit of size for Python messages (use of %Stream)


update support for service and flask * now flask can directly speak to service python object with create_python_business_service


bump version

  • add buffer for stream as a variable
  • fix bp with passthrough on_complete by default
  • fix send_request_sync response

intersystems-iris-dev-template by Evgeny Shvarov

Dockerfile optimization


Auto unit tests on PUSH and PULL REQUEST added

db-migration-using-SQLgateway by Robert Cemper
  • Enhance Dockerfile
  • Enhance Description
  • FIx DEMO

iris-history-monitor by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

Build failed - bug fixed

apptools-infochest by Sergey Mikhailenko

bugs fixed description updated demo is implemented

apptools-admin by Sergey Mikhailenko
  • An application has been implemented for monitoring and administering the products of the entire instance at once.
  • updated description

openflights_dataset by Andreas Schneider

Update to IRIS 2022.

SQL DATA LENS by Andreas Schneider
  • FIXED: Showing Stored Procedures if the option “Show Systemobjects” isn’t selected (=ignoring system objects)
  • FIXED: Test Connection for none InterSystems databases fixed (JDBC)
  • FIXED: QueryCloud: Downgrade to H2 databae version 1.x to fix some incompatibilities with the QueryCloud handling
  • ENH : Some internal libs upgraded
  • SQL DATA LENS contains now an updater for full automatic-updating with tiny update patches
  • Upgrade to runtime
  • Many internal libs upgraded
  • Open MS Excel works now nativ again
  • EXE Files are now signed!
  • new ms sql driver dll: mssql-jdbc_auth-9.4.1.x64.dll

Top 10 Applications in May

Top 10 Applications All Time

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