· Feb 28, 2017

how to restore Caché database to another server


   I backup  one database and restore it to antoher  new Caché server with ^DBREST, but I cannot view this db in the portal, why?

If I need some more operation?

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it is not enough for the restored database to be colocated with the Caché instance on the target server. the new database must be configured within Caché.

  1. in the management portal on the target system, select System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > Local Databases.
  2. on the Local Databases page, click the Create New Database button.
  3. on the first panel of the Database Wizard, enter a name for the new database and the local path to the database you restored to this host, and click Next.
  4. the next panel says:
    Database file, CACHE.DAT, already exists in directory. If you do not want to use it, please press the [Back] button and modify the Directory.
  5. click Finish to configure the database. other than the name, the characteristics of the source database you backed up are carried over to the newly configured database on the target system.