· Aug 30, 2016

How to get folder list in the hosting OS from Caché

Hi All,
How to get the only folders (with sub-folder)from the particular drive using cache.
We need to create the only folders from some drive using Cache.

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Please note that this example uses the old (deprecated) dot-syntax for the loop. It also loops through your data twice. Nowadays you would write the same more like this:

#include %occInclude
 set statement=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
 set status=statement.%PrepareClassQuery("%File","FileSet")
 if $$$ISERR(status) { do $system.OBJ.DisplayError(status) }
 set resultset=statement.%Execute("c:\temp","*","",1)
 while resultset.%Next() {
    write:resultset.%Get("Type")="D" !, resultset.%Get("Name")