· Jan 18, 2022

HealthShare Unified Care Record Overview January 26-27, 2022 - Registration space available

HealthShare Unified Care Record Overview  January 26-27, 2022   9:00am-5:00 US-Eastern Time (EST)

  • This a live instructor-led interactive virtual training.
  • The HealthShare Unified Care Record Overview course is a great way for HealthShare Customers, Partners and InterSystems Employees to become familiar with Unified Care Record, but especially those who need to understand its capabilities but not how to configure HealthShare Unified Care Record.
  • This is a non-technical, instructor-led virtual training course providing a comprehensive introduction to HealthShare Unified Care Record.
  • This course is for anyone who needs to know about the functionality and architecture of HealthShare Unified Care Record.  (If you need information on configuring and troubleshooting Unified Care Record, consider the HealthShare Unified Care Record Fundamentals class.)
  • No prior knowledge or experience is required. Any HealthShare Customer, Partner or InterSystems Employee may enroll in the class.
  • Self Register Here
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