· Jan 21, 2016 1m read

[FEEDBACK] I don't like the current tag system

I don't feel strongly enough about it to hate it, but I prefer the typical auto-complete, free-form tagging system seen on most sites (see StackOverflow for the perfect example).  The nested dropdowns are just too cumbersome in my opinion.

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Tagging will be improved in a number of ways including driving ALL of the content using it and away from the "discussion group" style of display. Getting this all functional so that documentation is also granular enough and tagged in an efficient manner will take some time.

Not so sure about the crowd-sourcing method and/or being smart about suggesting tags. We need to build up a body of content and participation to get that functioning well, so it may be more suitable in the long term once we get some network effect going. It would be interesting to apply some AI to make tag suggestions.

We will at least have a "browse by tag" functionality but it's uncertain if this will just be a simple list vs. the "cloud" style of display.