· Jun 5, 2017

Error in the SOAP Wizard


In SOAP Wizard, whatever WSDL I pass, I m getting the following error in the SOAP Response. Even If I create my own SOAP Web-Service and pass its WSDL, I am getting the same.But directly If I invoke the Webmethods in the SOAP Web-Service which is being created , I am getting the proper SOAP Response.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
   <faultstring>Server Application Error</faultstring>
    <error xmlns="">
     <text>ERROR #5002: Cache error: <COMMAND>zInvokeService+3^safeena786.Service.calculatorSoap.Add.1 *Function must return a value at zAdd+2^safeena786.Service.calculatorSoap.1</text>


I want to know how it can be resolved and get the proper SOAP Response of the Webmethod..




Discussion (3)1
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So the problem here was likely that you either didn't have the method as an Expression or you weren't QUITting a value.  If you have a method that you intend to use as a Webmethod (SOAP method) then you must return a value.  Your options are:

Method AddInteger(Arg1 As %Integer, Arg2 As %Integer) As %Integer [ WebMethod, Codemode=Expression ]
Arg1 + Arg2


Method AddInteger(Arg1 As %Integer, Arg2 As %Integer) As %Integer [ WebMethod ]
      QUIT Arg1 + Arg2

I'd guess you weren't quitting out the value.