· Apr 12, 2022

Dealing with time format as string

Hi Guys,

I'm using  seconds counter then save those seconds in a field defined as string where eg. I do :

S time=30  

S time = $zt(time,1)  

Update myclass se timeSpent = :time

which now shows up as 00:00:30 if I do an sql query which good but the problem if I run a query to get average timeSpent I get 00:00.

having the field defined as integer would allow selecting avg but running a query in my Zen page wouldn’t show me a time format

so how can I get an average on my a filed defined as string in a sql query?


Product version: Caché 2014.1
Discussion (11)1
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having the field defined as integer would allow selecting avg but running a query in my Zen page wouldn’t show me a time format

If you the field is defined as %Integer or %String, then this is incorrect. The field type must be %Time. In this case, a time will be stored in the database as number, and the query will display the time as a string.

Here is a small example:

select 166 seconds,%external(cast(+166.5 as TIME)) "avg"


seconds = 166
avg = 00:02:46
Simple sample

What locale are you using? I use "rusw".

Try to do the following in SMP:

update MSDS_Serenity.KitlabelAssoc set PackingTimeSpent=35000 where label='00007IT4'



  %odbcout(PackingTimeSpent)  ptsODBC

from MSDS_Serenity.KitlabelAssoc where label='00007IT4'

What are your results?

I have the following displayed (for DISPLAY mode):

PackingTimeSpent = 09:43:20
ptsLOGICAL = 35000
ptsDISPLAY = 09:43:20
ptsODBC = 09:43:20