· May 18, 2018

Datatype class for global reference

Is there a datatype class with validation for global references? I can't find one in a brief scan of the documentation / class reference.

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In the possible absence of a built-in class for such a purpose, this seems to work:

Class DC.Demo.GlobalReference Extends %String [ ClassType = datatype ]

/// 511 is an upper bound for the maximum length of a global reference - see:
/// <a href="">Maximum Length of a Global Reference</a>
Parameter MAXLEN = 511;

ClassMethod IsValid(%val As %CacheString) As %Status [ ServerOnly = 0 ]
    Set tOldZReference = $ZReference
    Set tSC = $$$OK
    Try {
        Set $ZReference = %val
    } Catch e {
        // The above SET will throw a <SYNTAX> exception for an invalid global reference
        Set tSC = $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError,$$$FormatText("Invalid global reference: %1",%val))
    Set $ZReference = tOldZReference
    Quit tSC
