· Mar 17, 2023 3m read

Backup and rebuilding procedure for the IRIS server

I have experienced that my iris server is gone due to upgrading the docker version when I have built IRIS server on docker container.

Based on this experience, I'd like to show you how to make a backup for the IRIS server before upgrading platform or docker, and the procedure for rebuilding the IRIS in a new environment.

IRIS server backup procedure

When you have finished building for the IRIS server, you need to make a backup.

I recommend you that you make a backup before upgrading if you have classes,routines and globals that you want to take over when you rebuild your environment.

This "{}" mark indicates an input parameter.

  1. Export user definisions.

  Export all user settings defined on the IRIS server.

zn "%SYS"
write ##class(Security.Users).Export({output full path})
  1. Export application definitions.

  Export all application settings defined on the IRIS server.

zn "%SYS"
write ##class(Security.Applications).Export({output full path})
  1. Stop the IRIS server.

  Stop the IRIS server with running IRIS instance name as input parameter.

iris stop {instance name of IRIS server}
  1. Backup the iris.cpf.

  iris.cpf is located in install directory.

Ex) /usr/irissys/iris.cpf

  1. Backup all databases.
      Backup IRIS.DAT of all databases.

  I recommend you back up each database directory.

  1. Start the IRIS server.

  Start the IRIS server with IRIS instance name as input parameter.

iris start {instance name of IRIS server}

IRIS server rebuilding procedure

If you reinstall the IRIS server, you must rebuild it with the same configuration as when you backed it up.

  1. Deploy the databases with the same configuration as when you backed them up.
      Deploy IRIS.DAT to the same directory as when you backed it up.

  2. Install the IRIS server.

  3. Stop the IRIS server.

  Stop the IRIS server with IRIS instance name as input parameter.

iris stop {instance name of IRIS server}
  1. Replace the iris.cpf to when you backed it up.

  2. if necessary, change the permission of the iris.cpf.

  If it doesn't work, you should try to change permission the file.

  1. Start the IRIS server.

  Start the IRIS server with IRIS instance name as input parameter.

iris start {instance name of IRIS server}
  1. Import user definitions.

  Import user definitions using the file when you exported it.

zn "%SYS"
write ##class(Security.Users).Import({full path of back up file})
  1. Import application definitions.

  Import application definitions using the file when you exported it.

zn "%SYS"
write ##class(Security.Applications).Import({full path of back up file})
  1. if necessary, you recompile the classes and routines.

  Recompilation may be necessary.

That's all for the procedures for rebuilding the IRIS server from backup files (not just IRIS.dat).

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