· Oct 5, 2016

Any changes in support of Spooler in newest versions

Hi All,

    SPOOLER functionality is support in Cache 16?
    Previously we are using cache 5,Now we upgraded cache(cache 16).
    Is any changes required in SPOOLER set-up (Cache 16)?    

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When you upgrade Caché from any previous version, every time you should look at Upgrade Checklist in the documentation, and this checklist while upgrade from such old version as 5

And even with just a search by documentation you may find this link, with a text

SPOOLER Heading Processing Changed
In this version, a number of changes have been made to the HEADING and FOOTING statements, and general printer/terminal output in this context. Applications that depend on the format of SPOOLed output should be carefully checked to make sure the output still conforms to expectations.