· Mar 11 1m read

Swagger API for FHIR in InterSystems IRIS For Health

Hi colleagues!

Often, while developing a frontend app or any other communication vs REST API, it is worth having a Swagger UI - a test UI for the REST API that follows Open API 2.0 spec. Usually, it is quite a handful as it lets have quick manual tests vs REST API and its responses and the data inside.

Recently I've introduced the Swagger support to the InterSystems IRIS FHIR template for FHIR R4 API:

How to get it working.

Make sure you have docker installed.

Clone the repository:

git clone

and start:

docker compose up -d

Once everything is built up open swagger at:


Or if you pull it at VS Code, you can open via InterSystems menu:

To get it tested for example proceed to Patient entry and request for the patient id=3:

Hope you like it! 

Comments, feedback, Pull requests are most appreciated!

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