· Dec 20, 2024 2m read

Monitor database size growth and issue alerts

Monitor incremental changes in the database through scheduled tasks, display change trends through charts, set alarm thresholds, and write information to messages.log

How to use it

You can install it through Docker or ZPM

Deploying with Docker Prerequisites

Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.


1.Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

git clone

Open the terminal in this directory and run

docker-compose build

Run the IRIS container

docker-compose up -d

ZPM Package Deployment

Open the terminal to run

zpm "install databasesizemonitoring"

Create scheduled tasks

Type Describe
AlarmSize Database size alarm
DayActualSize Daily increase in alarm volume size
IncrementalSize Atual total increase in alarm volume size


If the database size changes by more than the specified value, other information will be written to messages.log

At the same time, you can count the incremental trends of the database. You can visit the following page

tip: If you cannot access the Page, you may need to adjust and Web application and change the server file of /csp/user to always and cache.

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