· Oct 28, 2024 8m read

Use the Flexible Python Runtime Feature for IRIS on Windows Server

I am just writing something to share what I encountered last night, which is the IRIS 2024.3 does not comes with Python by default any more!!!

Which means that I need to install it by myself!!😅 The pros is, I can select my python version😁🤭💃 The trouble is.... at the first place.... I don't know what I should do😥. By going through the community (I am much more prefer than the official document, sorry InterSystems document team😓 ), I found the following piece

Hi, InterSystems document team good job!!! I love examples!!!😊

Let's go through it together!!!

1. Download Python from

OK, Let's try Python 3.12

2. Launch the Python installer.

3.Click Customize Installation.

4. Click Next until you reach the Advanced Options screen.

5. Select the option to Install Python for All Users.

I must say this step is very important😱, because I didn't check it in my 1st installation and seems causing the embedded python not working🤐

6. Click Install.

OK... seems that's all for the Python installation part😁 Let's check the path to see what is installed😀




Ok, let's move on to the Management Portal of the IRIS side😉

7. In the InterSystems IRIS Management Portal, go to System Administration > Configuration > Additional Settings > Advanced Memory.

8. On the Advanced Memory Settings page, in the PythonRuntimeLibrary row, click Edit.

9. Enter C:\Program Files\Python312\python3.dll.

"Don't double quote the path!!! Don't double quote the path!!! Don't double quote the path!!! ", this is what I found failure when I follow the "Example on Windows" and put a double quote around the path....😭😭😭. The instruction is so misleading😭😭😭 

10. Click Save.

11. On the Advanced Memory Settings page, in the PythonRuntimeLibraryVersion row, click Edit.

12. Enter 3.12.

13. Click Save.


Seems, the setting is ready😀 Let's move on to the terminal for the final verification 😊

14. From Terminal, launch Embedded Python and verify that sys.path now includes the Python 3.11 package directories.

do ##class(%SYS.Python).Shell()

import sys



15. From Terminal, use the GetPythonInfo() method of the %SYS.PythonOpens in a new tab class to view the Python version information.

do ##class(%SYS.Python).GetPythonInfo(.info)


zw info


Looks good 😀 Let's test my code

I have written a utility class for generation dummy data in JSON, it seems stupid... 🤦‍♀️ but please forgive me I am still a beginner to python🤐

In my class, I try to have a mix the usage between object scripts and python😁😁

Come on, practice practice and practice😆

Class Demo.utli.datagen Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod obsGen() As %String [ Language = python ]
	#w ##class(Demo.utli.datagen).obsGen()
	import json
	#C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\bin> .\irispip.exe install --target C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\mgr\python\ iris
	#python -m pip install --target C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\mgr\python\ iris
	import iris
	#Blood pressure: between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg
	#Breathing: 12 to 18 breaths per minute
	#Pulse: 60 to 100 beats per minute
	#Temperature: 97.8°F to 99.1°F (36.5°C to 37.3°C); average 98.6°F (37°C)
	##gen bpsys 
	##gen bpdia 
	return json.dumps(obs)

ClassMethod forTest() As %String [ Language = objectscript ]
	//w ##class(Demo.utli.datagen).forTest()
	set a={}.%FromJSON(..obsGen()) //from json tn dynamic object
	w a,!
	w "bpsys is "_a.bpsys_", bpdia is "_a.bpdia,!  // write the individual data
	set b=a.%ToJSON()	//from dynamic object to json
	w b,!
	// loop through the array using an iterator
	set iter = a.%GetIterator()
	while iter.%GetNext(.key , .value ) 
		write !, ?5, "Key: ", key, ", Value: ", value, " type: ", a.%GetTypeOf(key)_" with value "_a.%Get(key)
	w !
	return 1

ClassMethod labresultGen1() As %String [ Language = python ]
	#w ##class(Demo.utli.datagen).labresultGen1()
	import json
	import datetime
	#python -m pip install --target C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\mgr\python\ iris
	import iris
	# init result
	initstr='{"labresults": [{"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "1", "ItemCode": "6690-2", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Wbc", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "7.0", "Unit": "/nl", "RefRange": "3.8-11.0", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "2", "ItemCode": "770-8", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Neutros", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "68", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "40-82", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "3", "ItemCode": "736-9", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Lymphs", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "20", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "11-47", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "4", "ItemCode": "5905-5", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Monos", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "16", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "4-15", "Abnormal": "H", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.552090"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "5", "ItemCode": "713-8", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Eos", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "3", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "0-8", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553096", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553096"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "6", "ItemCode": "706-2", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Baso", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "0", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "0-1", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553160", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553160"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "7", "ItemCode": "38518-7", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Imm Gran", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "0", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "0-2", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553160", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553160"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "8", "ItemCode": "789-8", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Rbc", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "4.02", "Unit": "/pl", "RefRange": "4.07-4.92", "Abnormal": "L", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "9", "ItemCode": "718-7", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Hgb", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "13.7", "Unit": "g/dl", "RefRange": "12.0-14.1", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "10", "ItemCode": "4544-3", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Hct", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "40", "Unit": "%", "RefRange": "34-43", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "11", "ItemCode": "787-2", "ItemCodeSystem": "LN", "ItemDesc": "Mcv", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "80", "Unit": "fl", "RefRange": "77-98", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "12", "ItemCode": "mch", "ItemDesc": "Mch", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "30", "Unit": "pg", "RefRange": "27-35", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "13", "ItemCode": "mchc", "ItemDesc": "Mchc", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "32", "Unit": "g/dl", "RefRange": "32-35", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}, {"LabOrderNumber": "Lab24100001", "ItemNumber": "14", "ItemCode": "plt", "ItemDesc": "Platelets", "ItemStatus": "F", "Value": "221", "Unit": "/nl", "RefRange": "140-400", "InputBy": "12", "InputOrg": "lab", "InputDateTime": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296", "UpdatedAt": "2024-10-21 16:49:01.553296"}]}'
	# convert to dict
	# loop through the reslut
	for result in labresults:
		# update the result
		result.update({"InputDateTime":x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")})
		result.update({"UpdatedAt":x.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")})
	# put the lab result list into dict
	return json.dumps(labresultsdict)

ClassMethod resultValueGen(range = "0-1") As %String [ Language = python ]
	import random
	#w ##class(Demo.utli.datagen).resultValueGen()
	# expecting the range is numeric which look like "3-17" with a dash seperator
	if uppderbound==1:
		ranvalue=random.randrange(0, 2)
		if a<0:
		ranvalue=random.randrange(a, b)
	if ranvalue<lowerbound:
	if ranvalue>uppderbound:
	return rtstr



OK let's test it on the terminal


1st Change to my namespace


2nd run the code


looks good😉, let's try another piece


😁 seems not bad, let's try the final piece


seems working 😊


Thank you for reading😚

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