· Aug 13, 2024

Exclude globals from mapping


I've more than 100 classes that are packed like  CRD.Health.MyClass so I've defined the global mapping as CRD*, but now I would like to map some of the classes (CRD.Health.SomeClass) to different database so how can I exclude it from my current mapping to be in the new one because if I map it in the new database it will still conflict with the old mapping?



Product version: Ensemble 2018.1
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Yep I know that but that doesn't help in my case, because I need the most specific in a separate database and as i mentioned I have more that 100 classes (globals) so yes I can map and specify my Global.pkg.MyClassGlobal in the new database but I already mapped Global.pkg* in the old because I have many classes in  Global.pkg and I don't want to map one by one in my pkg and exclude Global.pkg.MyClassGlobal ?
So I guess I'll have to go pkg then classes that starts with eg. A, B ...etc (eg. Global.pkg.M*) in the pkg, exclude Global.pkg.MyClassGlobal and map it by itself in the new DB instead.
All good thanks Chris