Variable values appear corrupt in VSCode debugger
I've faced a problem that happens while debugging a process in VSCode. It doesn't seem to matter if this is in a container, on my development VM, or against a locally installed version of IRIS. The problem seems to be mostly with X12 Documents.
So, in a debug session, I can dump out a value to the debug console and it loos correct. The same variable in VSCode appears to be some uninitialized memory location.
In the interactive debugger window:
In the Variables Window:
Host Workstation:
It's not all variables, as you can see, and it always seems to to be same garbage values that get populated. Has anybody else run across this and found a resolution?
Thanks in advance for any help, folks!
Interesting. Based on doc at the common attribute of all the faultily-displaying properties is that they are calculated. Does that hold true for the ones not shown in your screenshot?
Wow, good eye on that. Yes, that pattern holds true:
Please open an issue at
Screenshots can be pasted from clipboard direct into GitHub.
Done. Issue 969 opened. Thanks for the collaboration!