· Apr 2, 2021

New Video: ObjectScript Package Manager ZPM: Installing, Building, Testing, Publishing IRIS

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

⏯ ObjectScript Package Manager ZPM: Installing, Building, Testing, Publishing IRIS
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Learn about the InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM), a powerful tool that helps improve your development and deployment workflow. An overview and demonstration of the key features of ZPM show how you can modularize your existing codebase, simplify your unit testing process, or drop in some of the many community-driven open source projects that run on InterSystems IRIS data platform.

⬇️ InterSystems ObjectScript Package Manager on Open Exchange apps gallery

🗣 Presenter: @Timothy Leavitt, Development Manager, InterSystems

Learn more in this InterSystems Online Learning Course.

Enjoy watching this video! 👍🏼

Discussion (3)0
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Hi Utsavi!

There is no video on this (we probably should record one), but there is an article that describes how you can set up your own private registry for your company and publish packages on it. It's really easy cause the ZPM registry could be deployed as a ZPM package as well.

Also with ZPM proxy feature you can build a chain of registries, or use public packages in your private registry when you need that. Learn more here.

There is also a discord channel regarding ZPM, where you can chat with other developers who implemented private ZPM registries in their companies already. 

Hope this helps.