· Dec 15, 2020

Using HealthConnect for Managed File Transfers

In 2020 we implemented HealthConnect as our HL7 interface engine.  Having completed this, we are currently evaluating whether it would be beneficial to migrate our managed file transfers from our current MFT software, MOVEit to HealthConnect.  I am interested in hearing from any InterSystems customers who have previously used MOVEit and currently using HealthConnect for file transfer managment.  Any feedback would be appreciated.

Product version: IRIS 2020.1
Discussion (2)1
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The best way to approach this would to engage with your sales engineer.  We are always available to help evaluate use cases for our technology and to assist you in understanding the implementation of such interfaces.

You can additionally begin your investigation with our documentation and learning resoures.  Here are a couple of links to get you started.

Enabling Productions to Use Managed File Transfer Services

First Look: Managed File Transfer (MFT) with Interoperability Productions

Managed File Transfer video