· Jun 18, 2020

LDAP and Healthshare

Hi All,


I was just wondering whether anyone can help, I have managed to configure LDAP within Healthshare [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.032.9688], and I am also able to login with my LDAP user.  However, I am unable to assign any roles to this user, the user  appears on the users page however, it does not appear in the dropdown list of users when you try to update a particular role in the roles page (I am not sure where I have gone wrong with this).  I can login with the user but I don't get any where far with it because it has no roles assigned to it.  Any help would be great.


Kind Regards,



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With LDAP authentication, role assignment is handled by the LDAP server.  There are multiple ways of doing this, and the options vary by version, but the most commonly used is adding your user to a group on the LDAP server with a name that specifies the role you want it to have.  For HealthShare HealthConnect, you can use the same methods of configuring this as Cache or InterSystems IRIS.  Here's the IRIS 2020.1 documentation on it:
If you are using an earlier version, or a version of HealthShare other than HealthConnect, your options will be different.